CXAIR for Finance: Unify

Many small and medium sized organisations in the financial services industry find the management of the day-to-day reporting needs of the business a real challenge.

The IT team who traditionally service requests for reports can easily get swamped and become a bottleneck which both slows down the business and distracts them from progressing other pressing initiatives.

Similarly, the widespread and uncontrolled use of Excel spreadsheets to manipulate and present data can mean that different departments arrive at wildly different answers to common questions. CXAIR for Finance: Unify helps your organisation escape from “Excel Hell”. It provides a reliable data management platform which enables you to present information based on a “single version of the truth”.

Designed with business users in mind, the natural language querying and self-service report development capabilities enable them to easily get answers to their own questions and to generate insights to drive innovation based on their data for which they would previously have relied on IT.

To be able to bring different data sources together and do some of the merging within the CXAIR system allows us to add flexibility to what we can do.

Sinead Okosi ,
Data and Reporting Change Manager ,
Hampshire Trust Bank

Read Our Case Study


  • Enable business users to find answers to their questions at the point they are required
  • Delivers consistent and reliable business information by providing reporting off a single version of the organisation’s data truth
  • Encourage innovation by making access to data insights more accessible and immediate
  • Free-up IT time and resources for other initiatives
  • Remove reliance on Excel
  • Quick and easy deployment

Increase the availability, quality, and accuracy of your information and encourage innovation by empowering your business users with CXAIR for Finance: Unify

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